
Judie Hinkson

Chief Operating Officer

After studying Business and Travel Management in Durham, I came to the ITC Travel Group in 1991. The first 20 years of my time here were spent between sales and product management, with a break in between overseas in our Barbados office. Since then, I’ve taken roles as Sales Director, Commercial Director, and Managing Director of Specialists Business – which covered our sub-brands, Spectate, Private Clients and Elite Travel Concierge, before my current role as Chief Operating Officer. Outside of my ‘day job’, I also dedicate many hours to training in NLP, yoga teacher training and a number of wellness qualifications – it all helps to keep the balance inside and outside of work!

What I love most about working for the ITC Travel Group is our people and culture. Our way is personal on every level, from the way we approach each other to how we work with our clients, suppliers and trade partners worldwide. This means that what we do, and how we do it, is so much more than just a business.

Travel opens your mind, eyes and doors. It can touch you on every level, whether you’re looking for excitement, adventure, rest and escapism, to re-energise or to reconnect. Seeing new places, meeting new people and experiencing different cultures is an incredible part of life.

I’ve had so many memorable travel experiences and favourite places. Some of my highlights include enjoying an outdoor massage in my private residence at Como Shambhala in Ubud, whilst taking in the views and scents coming from the lemongrass fields; arriving at the Sydney Opera House on a Harley Davidson for a Christmas extravaganza show; and, dancing away to Diana Ross performing live at St Lucia’s Jazz festival at the beautifully set up ruins at Pigeon Island.